
Wi-Fi Alliance®提供两种会员级别,以帮助小型公司以较低的入门级会费获得Wi-Fi 联盟会员的各种权益。


  • 与贡献级会员的权益类似:能够认证产品,并参与各任务组的工作和投票,主要区别是,小企业入门级参与者会员不是Wi-Fi 联盟有表决权的会员,如《规章》4.1节所述。认证费与贡献级会员相同。
  • 年费: 7,725美元/年


  • 与实施级会员的权益相同:能够在产品中采用认证解决方案并使用Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™品牌。与实施级会员类似,小企业入门级实施者会员不是Wi-Fi联盟有表决权的会员,如《规章》4.1节所述。认证费与实施级会员相同。
  • 年费: 2,575美元/年


Frequently Asked Questions

What is required to show our company’s revenue qualifies for the discounted membership?

Please submit your most recent financial statement to membership@wi-fi.org with your membership inquiry.

If our company’s revenue exceeds US$10M during our membership, do we have to change our membership level?

Your Small Business Introductory membership is good for the full year; you do not have to change your membership level that year. However, you will need to renew as a Contributor or Implementer level member the following year. 

If our company was a member in the past, can we still take advantage of this offer?

Yes. Your company may rejoin under the Small Business Introductory level. However, this offer can only be used one time for a two year maximum.

Can we sign up our subsidiary as an Affiliate member under our Small Business Introductory membership?

Affiliates are not considered with the Small Business Introductory membership. Affiliates are allowed under Contributor or Sponsor members in good standing.

Where can I learn more about membership?

Please visit our Membership page to find more Frequently Asked Questions.