Membership in Wi-Fi Alliance® shows your business is engaged in the latest Wi-Fi® technology developments. Joining Wi-Fi Alliance benefits your operations with access to expert knowledge as well as networking opportunities in a collaborative environment with hundreds of global experts. Your company can engage in leadership roles to help drive wireless technology advancements.
Which membership level is the best fit?
For companies who want to drive the direction of the Wi-Fi industry and develop many Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ products and use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED brand
pro-rated by quarter for new members
- Develop, test, and certify products
- Use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo and brands
- Participate and vote in Marketing, Technical, and Regulatory task groups
- Monitor developing programs
- Extend benefits to affiliated companiesIf a company is a subsidiary, division or commonly controlled company of an active Contributor or Sponsor member, they may qualify to join at an Affiliate level for no annual fee. The Affiliate company would receive the same benefits as the Contributor member, minus voting rights.
For companies who want to implement certified solutions in products and use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED brand
- Implement unmodified Wi-Fi modules which have been certified by another member
- Use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo and brands
- Access final documents
Small Business Introductory Membership
Experience the benefits of membership with lower introductory membership dues
Learn more
See a side-by-side comparison of all benefits by membership level