The Beacon

Top tech podcasts to tune into this year

February 22, 2023
The Beacon

Podcasts have become one of the most popular ways to consume information and entertainment, and there’s a show for every topic. We’ve curated a list of some of our favorite podcasts, in no particular order, to help you stay up to date on the latest tech trends, Wi-Fi® news, and thought leadership.

  1. The Signal: Wi-Fi Alliance delivers a new perspective on the growing portfolio of Wi-Fi technologies through smart conversations with industry leaders. Now in our second season, we discuss the new programs, tools, and ideas that are changing the connectivity landscape. Follow our show on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to listen to biweekly episodes.
  2. RCR Wireless News: Much like its namesake publication, the RCR Wireless News podcast delivers news, insights, and analysis on all things wireless and mobile. Episodes range from 10 - 20 minutes and can be found on SoundCloud, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. You can also review the episode transcript on the RCR website.
  3. IoT for All: Diving into the world of the Internet of Things, the IoT for All podcast features insightful 20-minute conversations with IoT experts, adopters, and enthusiasts. Listen to weekly episodes on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
  4. Heavy Networking: Hosts Drew Conry-Murray, Greg Ferro, and Ethan Banks believe there’s no such thing as too much networking. Join “The Packet Pushers” as they take a weekly deep dive into networking technology and enjoy a few laughs, too. You can find these highly technical, entertaining episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and RSS.
  5. Cisco Champion Radio: This podcast features unscripted conversations with Cisco experts about broader tech topics, as well as insight and visibility about products across the Cisco portfolio. Episodes average about 40 minutes and are released each week on multiple platforms, including YouTube.
  6. Clear to Send: With episodes geared toward a technical audience, hosts Rowell Dionicio and Francois Verges share their insight on Wi-Fi engineering with interviews, design tips, and tools. These 20 - 90-minute episodes are released once per month through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.
  7. Wireless Future: Hosts Erik Larsson and Emil Björnson are both IEEE Fellow Professors in Sweden and release hour-long episodes on the future of wireless technology and its potential social impacts. These conversations can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and their YouTube channel.

From spectrum advocacy to the newest IoT devices, the world of Wi-Fi moves quickly. Stay informed on all things tech by tuning into these great podcasts.

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