Wi-Fi 测试工具

Wi-Fi Alliance®提供了为QuickTrack和FlexTrack的认证路径而设计的工具。这些工具不仅可以帮助会员认证他们的产品,还可以整合到会员的产品开发和质量保证过程中。


QuickTack 测试工具包括由Wi-Fi Alliance提供的QuickTrack一致性测试软件,该测试软件可以运行在QuickTrack的硬件平台上,如一台笔记本电脑。对于基于合格解决方案已完成全部Wi-Fi功能测试的产品——比如由解决方案供应商开发的已经经过先期的互操作性和一致性测试的模块、芯片组和其他解决方案,QuickTrack是为测试和认证这些产品而量身定做的。测试可在授权测试实验室(ATL)或会员测试现场完成。此工具归Wi-Fi Alliance所有,仅供Wi-Fi Alliance会员使用。


Wi-Fi 测试套件

Wi-Fi测试套件是Wi-Fi Alliance开发的软件平台,用于支持认证程序开发和设备认证。授权测试实验室(ATL)在FlexTrack认证路径上使用Wi-Fi测试套件用来认证Wi-Fi Alliance会员的产品。

Wi-Fi测试套件的开源组件已向公众开放,以帮助推进Wi-Fi Alliance的互操作性和质量改进。Wi-Fi测试套件通过适配各种独特、多样化和尖端的设备来拥抱技术创新。

Wi-Fi Alliance会员和非会员都可以使用行业标准API和工具集来构建他们自己的内部测试。对于考虑加入Wi-Fi Alliance的公司来说,使用Wi-Fi测试套件开发和测试过的产品,在公司成为会员后将简化获得认证的流程。

非联盟专有的组件可根据ISC许可证提供,并可通过GitHub上的Wi-Fi Test Suite开源项目获得。符合条件的Wi-Fi Alliance会员可以在仅限联盟会员访问的网站上获取完整的软件包,包括专有组件。

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the QuickTrack Test Tool?

The QuickTrack Test Tool consists of two components: the QuickTrack Test Tool platform and the QuickTrack Test Tool software. The QuickTrack Test Tool hardware is a testing platform that is used to run the QuickTrack Test Tool software, which is available to Wi-Fi Alliance members. The QuickTrack Test Tool software provides conformance testing based on Wi-Fi Alliance test plans using the QuickTrack certification path.

What can I do with the QuickTrack Test Tool?

The QuickTrack Test Tool can be used to conduct in-house conformance testing at the developer’s convenience. Those who choose to send products to an Authorized Test Laboratory (ATL) can also certify through the QuickTrack method. The tool can also be utilized in product development and quality assurance processes.

Who can use the QuickTrack Test Tool?

The QuickTrack methodology is available to Sponsor, Contributor, Affiliate, and Small Business Introductory Participant members. Members may use an ATL for this method or become a Member Conformance Test Laboratory (MCTL) and conduct QuickTrack testing in-house.

Which programs are eligible to use the QuickTrack Test Tool?

QuickTrack is available for select certification programs. Please visit the Certification page to see which programs may utilize QuickTrack.

What is Wi-Fi Test Suite?

Wi-Fi Test Suite is an integrated platform that automates testing Wi-Fi components or devices. Wi-Fi Test Suite provides the following services:

  • Configure - Automatically configure devices to execute test cases.
  • Traffic Generation - Generate traffic streams with specified parameters.
  • Test - Execute test scripts by controlling test bed device operation.
  • Results Analysis - Determine pass/fail results based on a given test case or script criteria.

Wi-Fi Test Suite accomplishes the services through the following components:

Control API (CAPI)

The Control API serves as the fundamental command language for device management, test configuration, and test execution within Wi-Fi Test Suite.

Unified CAPI Console (UCC)

The Unified CAPI Console provides the overall control console for Wi-Fi Test Suite. UCC can be downloaded through the open source repository or by members in the most recent Wi-Fi Test Suite package .

Control Agents

Control agents are a proxy in which a CAPI control command is converted for the device into the device’s native control interface. APs, DUTs, sniffers, and STAs may require control agents. Sample control agent code can be downloaded through the open source repository ( Windows or Linux ) or by members in the most recent Wi-Fi Test Suite package .


The sniffer captures and dissects wired and wireless frames, and performs packet analysis. Sniffer dissectors are available on Wireshark or, for Wi-Fi Alliance certification program specific dissectors, in the most recent Wi-Fi Test Suite package .

Traffic Generator

The traffic generator produces specific traffic on behalf of Test Bed STA, DUT, or PC Endpoint. Traffic generators are included in the open source repository ( Windows or Linux ) and in the most recent Wi-Fi Test Suite package .

PC Endpoint

The PC Endpoint generates network traffic in support of a particular test plan via the wired Test Network. PC Endpoint software is included in the Linux control agent code and in the most recent Wi-Fi Test Suite package .

Wi-Fi Alliance certification program test scripts

CAPI command scripts are the Wi-Fi Test Suite specific instantiations of Wi-Fi Alliance test plans. Wi-Fi Alliance certification program test scripts are only available to members in the most recent Wi-Fi Test Suite package .

What can I do with Wi-Fi Test Suite?

Wi-Fi Alliance members can use Wi-Fi Test Suite to automate Wi-Fi Alliance certification program testing.

Non-members can use Wi-Fi Test Suite to develop their own test cases using the industry standard API and tool set. Using Wi-Fi Test Suite eases the process for obtaining certification at a later time by seamlessly connecting into Wi-Fi Alliance program test beds.

Who can contribute to this project?

Both Wi-Fi Alliance members and non-members can contribute to the Wi-Fi Test Suite open source project. All code will be reviewed by the community maintainer, Wi-Fi Alliance. Please review the contribution agreement prior to submitting a pull request.

Who can use Wi-Fi Test Suite?

Eligible membership levels include: Contributor, Affiliate, Small Business Introductory Participant. The following membership levels are not eligible to use Wi-Fi Test Suite: Implementer, Small Business Introductory Implementer.

Additional Resources