Wi-Fi 7

California, Taipei, and Seongnam

Invited Attendees
Device vendors

Only Wi-Fi Alliance Contributor, Affiliate and Sponsor members are eligible to participate, unless otherwise noted.

Wi-Fi Alliance is hosting another Interoperability Event for device vendors focused on MAC/PHY interoperability with Wi-Fi 7 devices. Wi-Fi 7 device vendors will prepare their devices for real-world deployments by uncovering interoperability issues in a wide range of scenarios. Planned testing scope includes:

  • Backward and forward compatibility testing with Wi-Fi 7 and previous Generational Wi-Fi
  • Use cases that showcase the advantages of Wi-Fi 7 technology over prior Generational Wi-Fi technologies in deployment scenarios
  • Member-reported deployment issues
  • How key Wi-Fi 7 features interoperate in deployment scenarios

There will be no pass/fail criteria or performance benchmarking. Device-specific details will not be collected, however protocol issues or potential testing gaps will be collected, analyzed, and discussed with the Wi-Fi 7 TGs.

Registration information for Wi-Fi Alliance members