Wi-Fi Agile Multiband

Wi-Fi Agile Multiband


Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Agile Multiband™為更好地管理Wi-Fi網路環境提供了方便,並使Wi-Fi設備能夠更好地回應不斷變化的Wi-Fi網路條件。更高的資源利用率有助於均衡Wi-Fi網路負載、擴大容量並為最終使用者提供最佳Wi-Fi體驗。手機、智慧電視機、平板電腦等用戶端設備能夠與基礎設施設備交換資訊,以:

  • 應用智慧接入點(AP)、頻段和通道選擇決策;
  • 避免在擁擠的頻段或接入點內部出現爭搶資源的問題;
  • 甚至對要求嚴格的語音和視頻應用而言,也能夠最大限度減少服務中斷;
  • 無論Wi-Fi環境如何變化,都能夠提供高品質服務。

Wi-Fi Agile Multiband™ 有助於高效使用多個頻段,包括2.4 GHz、5 GHz和6 GHz,並包括更好地管理頻譜和網路資源、平衡網路負載、增強移動中網路切換能力和提供最佳用戶體驗的機制:





Wi-Fi Agile Multiband是一種基於標準的技術,可橫跨多種廠商的設備改善網路管理。

  • IEEE 802.11k:使接入點和用戶端設備能夠交換有關Wi-Fi環境的資訊;
  • IEEE 802.11v:通過網路資訊影響用戶端設備漫遊決策,為整體改進網路提供方便;
  • IEEE 802.11u:允許用戶端設備與其他網路建立連接之前先收集資訊;
  • IEEE 802.11r:在Wi-Fi網路內部的接入點之間快速切換(可選);
  • Wi-Fi Alliance定義的技術:補充所交換的資訊,確定首選通道、頻段或接入點,以增強智慧Wi-Fi網路管理。

Wi-Fi Agile Multiband是一套技術,極大的改善了使用者在管理網路中的體驗,同時也是Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™認證計畫的關鍵元件。Wi-Fi Vantage™設備具備巧妙的身份認證、Wi-Fi Agile Multiband更好的資源管理、企業級安全性和高性能的Wi-Fi等優勢,可在富有挑戰性的網路環境中提供更好的用戶體驗。


  • Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a Wi-Fi Agile Multiband device help the user experience?

Wi-Fi Agile Multiband devices enable the exchange of information. This exchange enables access points (APs) to guide client devices toward the best Wi-Fi environment for that device. In addition to steering client devices to another AP that is underutilized, APs can steer clients to other, less congested frequency bands or channels. The result is a more balanced network which in turn improves performance and user experience.

Don’t devices already do this?

Many device makers and operating systems vendors do employ some of these capabilities. However, Wi-Fi Agile Multiband is standards-based, ensuring interoperability across vendors.

How do 802.11k and 802.11r contribute to reduced latency in Wi-Fi Agile Multiband enabled networks?

Both technologies reduce the time it takes a client to roam between APs in the same network.

  • 802.11k reduces roaming time by allowing the client to rapidly determine which AP it should roam to next so when the client is ready to roam, it has a better idea of where to roam.
  • 802.11r also enables faster roaming by allowing encryption keys to be stored on network APs so the client does not need to perform the complete authentication process every time it roams to a new AP within the network.

What is the difference between fast transitioning offered by Wi-Fi Optimized Connectivity and that offered by Wi-Fi Agile Multiband?

Both enable faster roaming. Wi-Fi Agile Multiband uses Fast Basic Service Set (BSS) Transition Management (also known as FT). FT functions within the same Wi-Fi network (Extended Service Set, ESS), while Wi-Fi Optimized Connectivity utilizes Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) Authentication to enable fast authentication within the same network, or two different networks.

What are some consumer applications for Wi-Fi Agile Multiband?

Wi-Fi Agile Multiband is for any Wi-Fi device because it enables more intelligent use of Wi-Fi network resources to help the device maintain the best connection – whether the device is moving throughout a Wi-Fi network or resides in a specific location. Tablet users walking through an office environment or home with multiple access points (APs) will connect to the APs that provide the best connection. Smart TVs can ensure that HD video streaming works seamlessly by moving to 5 GHz if the 2.4 GHz band becomes congested. Smart appliances, gaming systems, and more can benefit from the ability to monitor the Wi-Fi environment and move to new APs or frequencies when interference or congestion occurs.