Wi-Fi EasyMesh


Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMesh®為實現多接入點(AP)Wi-Fi網路提供了一種基於標準的方法,既具備易用、自我調整Wi-Fi的優勢,又具備可交互操作Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™設備導致的設備選擇靈活性提高的優勢。Wi-Fi EasyMesh™網路運用一起運行的多個接入點形成一個統一的網路,提供全面覆蓋室內和室外空間的、智慧高效的Wi-Fi。

Wi-Fi EasyMesh安裝和使用都很簡便。網路設置和設備入網僅需最低限度的用戶干預。網路連接一旦建立,網路就進行自我監控,以確保優化的性能。Wi-Fi EasyMesh利用Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Agile Multiband™提供的機制,將設備引導到能為其提供最佳Wi-Fi服務的AP上。Wi-Fi EasyMesh網路還可基於變化的條件修改網路結構,以提供一致的體驗。

Wi-Fi EasyMesh為住宅和辦公Wi-Fi網路提供以下益處:

  • 擴大網路容量:以Wi-Fi 6和Wi-Fi 6E模式運行時,同時支援更多服務和更高的真實輸送量;
  • 靈活設計:通過以最佳方式放置接入點,無需導線連接,就可擴大覆蓋範圍;
  • 易於設置:通過Wi-Fi Easy Connect技術,利用QR碼,提供無縫、安全的設備入網和配置;
  • 網路智慧性:Wi-Fi 6的高級診斷功能通過Wi-Fi資料元素使服務商更為便利的提供支援,並回應網路條件變化,以最大限度提高性能;
  • 服務優先順序和服務品質(QoS):能夠在需要時優先處理低延遲應用,而且引導設備漫遊到最佳連接並避免干擾;
  • 可擴展性:易於在需要的地方增加接入點,即使接入點設備來自不同廠商也一樣。


人們在家中越來越依靠Wi-Fi實現設備互連、提供資料流傳送服務,這就需要更加智慧的、覆蓋範圍更大和覆蓋一致的Wi-Fi網路。Wi-Fi EasyMesh產品提供的網路覆蓋範圍全面,能夠以最低限度的用戶干預智慧地管理資源,可同時惠及消費者和服務提供者。Wi-Fi EasyMesh技術是高度可擴展的,使使用者能夠在需要的地點簡便地增加無線AP。Wi-Fi EasyMesh網路以Wi-Fi CERTIFIED的承諾為基礎,容許在更多可交互操作的、不同品牌的設備中進行選擇。


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wi-Fi EasyMesh?

Wi-Fi EasyMesh is a certification program that defines multiple access point home and small office Wi-Fi networks that are easy to install and use, self-adapting, and add multi-vendor interoperability. This technology brings both consumers and service providers additional flexibility in choosing Wi-Fi EasyMesh devices for home deployment.

Wi-Fi EasyMesh uses a controller to manage the network, which consists of the controller plus additional APs, called agents. Establishing controllers to manage and coordinate activity among the agents ensures that each AP does not interfere with the other, bringing both expanded, uniform coverage and more efficient service.

How is Wi-Fi EasyMesh different from other mesh networks?

Wi-Fi EasyMesh removes the need to stay within a single-vendor ecosystem to provide the benefits of multiple AP (also called “mesh”) networks. Using standardized technology gives service providers and consumers more choice and flexibility.

Which generations of Wi-Fi technology does Wi-Fi EasyMesh support?

Wi-Fi EasyMesh supports Wi-Fi 4, Wi-Fi 5, and Wi-Fi 6. Members can view the Wi-Fi EasyMesh program requirements and test plan for more details. To become a member, visit our membership page.

What is the difference between Wi-Fi EasyMesh and Wi-Fi Home Design?

The goal of both certification programs is to provide better Wi-Fi user experience and extended coverage in home networks. These two programs complement each other – a Wi-Fi Home Design floorplan could employ a Wi-Fi EasyMesh network. The difference is that Wi-Fi Home Design helps identify the best locations for each AP in a home whereas Wi-Fi EasyMesh defines the protocols used for intra-AP communication to establish a smart, self-forming network.

What other backhaul link technologies will Wi-Fi EasyMesh work with?

Wi-Fi EasyMesh networks enable the use of other connectivity technologies supported by the IEEE 1905.1 protocol.

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