


Wi-Fi行業正在通過高超的創新水準滿足廣泛的需求。Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint®表明,Wi-Fi在不斷發展,以提升運營商網路,提供更高的性能、更好的移動性和用戶體驗。


憑藉運營商、設備製造商和消費電子產品製造商會員的大力支持,Wi-Fi Alliance®這一協作論壇非常適合承擔一項重任,即提出滿足運營商需求的技術創新。為了在運營商生態系統中確保一致性並提供最有價值的計畫,Wi-Fi Alliance與CTIA™、GSM Association、Wireless Broadband Alliance、CableLabs®等其他運營商團體建立了聯繫並達成了相關協定。

Wi-Fi Device Metrics

作為Wi-Fi技術創新的領導者, Wi-Fi Alliance 開發了一個框架,為運營商提供了一個可以評估網路設備品質的測試工具。Wi-Fi Device Metrics促進了標準化的方法和統一的術語,幫助描述和評估Wi-Fi接入點(AP)和客戶端設備,為一系列特定的部署場景提供描述和評估吞吐量、延遲和用戶體驗的指標。該框架中包含的最佳實踐和定義使性能測量標準化,並簡化設備評估。通過制定這個框架,IT經理和網路架構師可以更全面地評估接入點和客戶端設備,以便區分出能夠在目標應用過程中提供更好的客戶體驗的高性能設備。

塑造Wi-Fi未來。立即加入Wi-Fi Alliance。

Wi-Fi Alliance會員公司不斷開發新的、對運營商網路具有戰略意義的Wi-Fi功能。世界各地眾多運營商加入了Wi-Fi Alliance,以幫助制定技術和認證計畫,並在制定這些計畫時充分考慮服務提供者的獨特需求。瞭解更多關於Wi-Fi Alliance會籍的資訊或聯繫我們


  • Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™
  • 沒有Wi-Fi 的日子
  • Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint™: Seamless, secure, easy-to-use Wi-Fi® hotspots

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Passpoint bring to hospitality?

Hospitality chains may own many brands but a single consolidated rewards program. Without Passpoint, either the rewards program SSID needs to be added at every hotel or users’ phones must be configured with several SSIDs. Passpoint can function with a single profile that identifies the rewards program instead of a hotel SSID. When a user visits an associated property, their device will automatically identify the access point and connect.

Which Wi-Fi Vantage technologies help quickly connect to another AP or another network?

Wi-Fi Agile Multiband: Fast Basic Service Set (BSS) Transition, also known as Fast Transition, is based on IEEE 802.11r. Fast Transition enables devices to reauthenticate quickly with WPA2 security when roaming within the same Wi-Fi network, improving experience with latency sensitive applications such as voice over Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi Optimized Connectivity: Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) Authentication is a mechanism defined in IEEE 802.11ai to enable fast authentication to APs.

Why should end users purchase Wi-Fi Vantage devices?

Devices that are certified for Wi-Fi Vantage represent the most recent and interoperable Wi-Fi technologies for managed networks. Users will experience fewer connection interruptions during calls or video streaming, even while traversing through a transportation hub like a large airport. These devices, when used in a Wi-Fi Vantage enabled network, bring a more seamless and consistent connection and therefore a better mobile experience.

What is a managed network?

Managed networks are Wi-Fi networks, such as those operated in airports, stadiums, schools, office buildings, retail and hotel locations and other venues, that are “managed” by network administrators to optimize their coverage, performance, and network access. These networks are frequently open to the public or offer access to subscribers.

What features are planned for Wi-Fi Vantage devices in future generations?

Future generations of Wi-Fi Vantage will add enhancements in network access, frequency band and channel management, and reduced connection times, resulting in improved roaming and management of Wi-Fi networks.

How does Passpoint support service provider branding and customer relationships?

Passpoint enabled mobile devices can choose networks based on a list of preferred (direct or partner) providers, specific services and/or the best performance characteristics. For service providers offering a managed experience, seamless authentication is a valuable element, and Passpoint networks also support deployments where a click-through screen is essential for acceptance of terms and conditions or branding.